28.02.2023: Oncochain obtains a 195k euro grant from Innovation Norway to further develop its AI capabilities!
Company News

PRESS RELEASE: Oncochain obtains a grant of 195,000 euro from Innovation Norway to develop new Artificial Intelligence capabilities

Post by
Roxana Margan
PRESS RELEASE: Oncochain obtains a grant of 195,000 euro from Innovation Norway to develop new Artificial Intelligence capabilities


The new software solution developed by Oncochain is named OncoAbstrakt and is based on AI-powered automatic structuring of medical data. It allows doctors and hospitals to access key elements from complete patient records, with the scope of facilitating medical research and practice.


Oncochain started the implementation of the "Oncochain - Innovative data management solution enhancing the future personalized cancer care" project in February 2023. The project is co-financed  within the "SME Growth Romania - Support for Startups" program, concluded with the Innovation Norway fund as program operator.


The general objective of the project and investment is to accelerate the development of digital solutions by integrating state-of-the-art technologies:

-development of new machine learning (ML) algorithms for the software platform;

-development of optical character recognition (OCR) software solutions to integrate data from printed medical documents;

-natural language processing (NLP) dedicated to the Romanian language and other Eastern European languages.


The project will be completed in April 2024.


The funds offered by Innovation Norway for the "Oncochain - Innovative data management solution enhancing the future personalized cancer care" project are part of the "SME Development in Romania - Support for Start-ups program", supported by the Government of Norway.

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Official announcement (RO)

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